With today’s diverse publishing needs, ideas abound as to what emphasis will pay dividends. If your newspaper business and production systems are lacking, then hitting the target may be a difficult proposition. Newzware Software Products and Service ensure efficient efforts and accurate results.

Integration of various applications sharing a common database is the sensible Newzware approach. Include a repository for demographic and business intelligence and you have a portal towards proper decisions on campaign and publishing criteria, freeing you to bolster circulation with hard-hitting journalism in a creative way that attracts advertisers and respondents alike. Targeted advertising, whether it be demographically zoned inserts or web-tracked content management, is delivered efficiently, and reported on for accounting accuracy and campaign effectiveness. Circulation…Advertising…Editorial…Finance…all playing in concert to solidify the goal of your publication’s success.

Get to know Gary Markle…

Tell us a little about your current position, how long you have been in the business, and the positions you have held.

I am the Sales and Marketing Director at ICANON Associates, makers of Newzware™ products. Starting in 1999, I am a relatively new participant in the Publishing industry with the only pre-qualification being a love of reading newspapers and a Master’s degree in Marketing. I have been very fortunate to work for a privately held technology company dedicated to serving this industry and grow within the organization.

What do you enjoy most about your current position?

I enjoy the talented and dedicated people I work with and call family. They are, by far, the most supportive team to an evolving industry and bring it to work each and every day.   The other benefit is interacting with customers and soon-to-be customers. We all have stories and sharing is enlightening and the prospect of assisting in their success is rewarding.

What do you find to be the most challenging in this business?

Our industry faces challenges from societal, technological and economical disruptions.  The challenge to support our customers in this ever-evolving business environment requires patience, flexibility and a penchant for listening to our customer’s needs, developing solutions.

What is your go-to activity when not working?

My five children, two grandchildren and spouse create quite a bit of adventure. When the opportunity presents itself, I love to sail and have chartered in some paradise locations.

What is something about you that others might be surprised to learn?

I started my first career as an electrical engineer and my name appears on several IEEE standards for stationary battery operation and maintenance. I know…right?