I-SCMA Achievement Award – October 13, 2022

Words spoken by Jeff Simmons

The Inter-State Circulation Managers’ Association has been around for over 100 years. Its purpose has been to use training and professional networking to help circulation/audience leaders develop and help their companies.

In 1967, the organization introduced the Achievement Award to recognize excellence in the industry and significant, sustained contributions to I-SCMA, circulation professionals, and business partners.

That was 55 years ago and only 50 awards have been handed out since then. There are years when no Achievement Award is given. Looking at the list of recipients, this is an exclusive and prestigious group. We’re here today to present the award to two very deserving professionals.

Bridget Vilenica started her newspaper career at the Democrat Messenger in 1976. She served in various positions during her newspaper career, working for several companies. She spent many years as the accomplished Circulation Manager of the Observer-Reporter and the Almanac.

During her career, Bridget served on many boards, including as the President of I-SCMA and the chair for many of its committees; Chair of the Circulation Committee for the Pennsylvania News Media Association; the Literacy Council of South-Western Pennsylvania; and the Leadership Washington County Board.

Currently, she is the co-owner, with her nephew, Ben, of Hilltop Packs Coffee in Waynesburg, the only local coffee roastery in Greene County. And she is an active volunteer with four organizations in her region – Greene County Court Appointed Special Advocate; Greene County Chamber of Commerce Board; Penn State Master Gardener; Salvation Army Board and trained Emergency Response team member. Bridget is married to Bob, mother to two children and grandmother to 3.

The Circulation/Audience field and this organization are places where we see connections between people lead to help for others’ careers and a positive impact on the newspaper industry. One then-younger circulation manager was asked by Bridget to join the I-SCMA leadership team and eventually become president. I said yes and gained a lot in knowledge and important, professional connections – thanks to Bridget. Her leadership of the PNA Circulation Committee helped develop many circulation/audience leaders in our state and beyond.

As I present this I-SCMA Achievement Award, please join me in congratulating Bridget Vilenica.

Jim Smith represented Steel City Corporation for 31 years. Initially hired as a territory manager, Jim was named National Sales Manager and oversaw all facets of the company. In written communication with me, he said it was his “privilege and honor” to do so.

Jim travelled extensively across the U.S. and Canada and has visited media and distribution companies in 48 states and seven Provinces in Canada. He also collaborated with companies in New Zealand and Australia.

Over many years, Jim worked to share successful audience development ideas from around the country through the “Been There Saw This” page on scity.com; the annual rack card design competition; and presentations at conferences like this one. During the pandemic, Jim was part of a couple of podcast series that helped keep the industry informed and connected.

In April, Jim accepted a position at the Pro Football Hall of Fame in his hometown of Canton, Ohio. He is the Business Development Manager-Hall of Famer Relations and oversees their “CELEBRATE EXCELLENCE TOGETHER” program, linking the community with Pro Football Hall of Famers. Jim also provides content for the “Gold Jacket Spotlight” on the Hall of Fame website.

A freelance sportswriter, Jim’s work has been published locally, regionally, and nationally and he is currently working on a book about local basketball history in Canton.

Jim and his wife Cathy reside in Kent, Ohio and have three children and three grandchildren, with two more grandchildren arriving this winter.

I’m thinking of the positive impact Jim has had on many, many circulation professionals. In his visits to my company and in conversations with him at conferences, I have enjoyed his caring way and the great industry ideas he shares.

As he receives this I-SCMA Achievement Award, please join me in congratulating Jim Smith.